The Ministry of Trade and Industry Cooperatives and Marketing of Lesotho went live with their new Catalyst based companies registry on 15 December 2014. The project was a collaboration between the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foster Moore International Limited.
The introduction of the online registry greatly enhances the work of the One Stop Business Facilitation Centre, an initiative of the government of Lesotho to delivery fast and efficient services to businesses.
Visit the Lesotho Companies Register
Using our Catalyst Adoption Methodology the project took 9 months to deliver and the launch was celebrated in style in Lesotho.
Members of the official delegation were presented traditional Basotho hats and blankets by the Minister of Trade, Khulumi Ntsoaole.
The project marks the first for Foster Moore in the African continent.

Minister of Trade Hon. Khulumi Ntsoaole and Chuck Moore, Director Foster Moore International Limited.